
展覽地點:BDW Gallery 高雄市左營區民族一路926號

展覽地點|寶德旺藝廊 813高雄市左營區民族一路926號
營業時間|13:00~17:00 (週一公休)
開幕茶會|沈裕融、宋相邦 2024.12.14 14:00

每晚總是把窗簾拉下,阻隔明日的陽光入侵,而當空間遁入黑暗時,陽光穿透的漏光擾動了場域的氛圍,光源只剩空白,灰色的部分變成了我們探索的内容,包覆在黑暗之中,晦暗不明,容納了不明確、模糊與未知。外在光源灑落,那些無法被定義的,還未能見光的,隨著時間光影的變化,四處逃竄。被布簾遮掩下的漏光,則虛微的滲透,場域緩慢擾動,相比直射的暴力,透過微光凝視,或許是對邊陲之物的温柔叩問。 展覽由兩位藝術家分別展出兩件裝置作品,藝術家葉姵萱透過對高架橋下的觀察,想像城市中隱藏的生活樣態,高架橋是點與點間的加速結構,也同時切割了城市空間,將生活切割成日常與非日常,葉姵萱的作品將引導觀者來回遊走在邊界的模糊狀態,透過視角的不斷切換,逐漸形塑橋下樣貌。蘇睿豪則關注在日常消費品的序列化生產,將消費產品視為類比時代的訊號放送來源之一,並透過雜揉數位訊號的開關特性,思考類比訊號轉轉譯數位訊號作為建檔用途時,那些轉譯行為中,必然丟失的訊息該如何被喚回及保存。

Every night, the curtains are drawn to block the intrusion of tomorrow’s sunlight. As the space is enveloped in darkness, the slivers of light that manage to seep through disturb the atmosphere of the scene. The only visible light becomes emptiness, while the gray areas transform into the content of our exploration—obscured in darkness, ambiguous, and undefined, containing the uncertain, the vague, and the unknown. When external light spills in, those elements that resist definition, that remain unseen, scatter and escape with the shifting interplay of time and light. The faint leaks of light through the fabric curtain gently permeate the space, subtly disrupting its stillness. Compared to the violence of direct illumination, gazing through dim light might serve as a tender inquiry into the peripheral and the overlooked.

This exhibition features two installation works by two artists. Yeh Pei-Hsuan’s work stems from her observations of life hidden beneath overpasses. Overpasses function as accelerated connections between points, but they also divide urban spaces, fragmenting daily life into the ordinary and the extraordinary. Yeh’s work guides viewers through the blurred boundaries of these spaces, shaping the underpass through shifting perspectives and constant movement. Meanwhile, Su Jui-Hao focuses on the serialized production of everyday consumer goods, treating them as one of the signal transmission sources of the analog era. By blending the on-and-off characteristics of digital signals, he explores the inevitable loss of information in the translation from analog to digital archiving—questioning how these lost signals might be recalled and preserved.